Grand Strand Water & Sewer News
Bucksport Access Road
March 15, 2018
The new road is being built by GSWSA at its expense. GSWSA has extensive operations in the Bucksport community including a 45 Million Gallons per Day (MGD) water plant, a 5 MGD wastewater plant, a 1,500 acre farm primarily used to grow trees, rotating crops, sod and dispose of by-products from the water and wastewater operations. The operation has grown to the point that at least 10 large trucks travel the existing Bucksport Community Road daily during the work week. Also, GSWSA owns the Bucksport Marina which is leased to a private group but the boat ramp and landing is open without cost to the public. Although the new road is needed to lessen existing traffic on the Bucksport Community Road, the planned marine park will also add to traffic in the area. In addition, the existing road was flooded during Hurricane Matthew, leaving the water and wastewater plants isolated for several days.
The new road will extend from Highway 701 at Lucas Bay Road, across Cowford Swamp and interconnect with the existing Bucksport Road just before the marina. The road and bridge are permitted for construction. The road will be two lanes without lighting or sidewalks. Turn lanes will be installed at Highway 701 but no traffic light unless the State Department of Transportation decides to do so. Upon completion the new road will be deeded to Horry County and available for public use.
The road is not being constructed or intended to be used as part of the Southern Evacuation Route. There are no plans to extend the road across the Intracoastal Waterway.
A contract to design and permit the road was entered into with Thomas and Hutton Engineers in January 2017. The road was bid and awarded to the low bidder, A.O. Hardee and Sons in the contract amount of $8,398,397.42 on February 2, 2018. The second low bid was in the amount of $8,877,219.00 by Landmark Construction. The road is currently under construction and scheduled for completion during February 2019.