Grand Strand Water and Sewer Authority
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Emergency Water off in Surfside Hollywood Dr S & Surrounding Areas. 4hr 13min ago @ 2:19pm
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Water Quality Reports

The 2023 water quality report, which contains important information about the source and quality for GSWSA, can be viewed online for your area by using the links below.

Horry County:
City of Marion:
City of Mullins:
Town of Nichols:
Town of Lake View:

Please call (843) 443-8202 for a paper copy.

El informe de calidad del agua 2023, que contiene información importante sobre el origen y la calidad de GSWSA, se puede ver en línea en su área mediante el uso de los enlaces de arriba. Por favor llame (843) 443-8202 para obtener una copia de papel.

The EPA selected GSWSA to participate in the Unregulated Contaminant Regulation 4 (UCMR 4) program in 2020 for Horry County. Unregulated contaminants are constituents in the water that do not have a drinking water standard set by the EPA. The purpose of monitoring for these contaminants is to help EPA decide whether the contaminants should have a standard. For more information on the contaminants or UCMR 4, please contact SC DHEC at (803) 898-4300. For a complete list of parameters tested during the UCMR 4 sampling event, please call Customer Service at (843) 234-8460.

Please click on the following links for additional information related to GSWSA's water quality:

Bull Creek Regional Water System - Taste and Odor Issues Update 

Bull Creek Regional Water System - 1,4-dioxane FAQs

General Acknowledgements Regarding EPA Announcement for PFAS 

PFAS Media Inquiry - July 12, 2024