Grand Strand Water and Sewer Authority
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Emergency Water off in Surfside Hollywood Dr S & Surrounding Areas. 3hr 25min ago @ 2:19pm
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Our Water

The source of your water.

Schwartz PlantThe Great Pee Dee Watershed is the source of your fresh surface water. Originating in North Carolina, it includes waters from its many lakes and rivers. This water is pumped from Bull Creek, just a few miles north of the intersection of the Waccamaw and Pee Dee Rivers.

Water tested daily

After leaving the treatment plant, your water is tested every day for the presence of coliform bacteria. Each month, approximately 120 samples from the distribution system are also tested. During 2016, the coliform bacteria samples were found to be less than the maximum contaminant level as per SCDHEC regulations.

Drinking water is also tested every day for the presence of undissolved particles that may provide hiding places for bacteria or other micro-organisms.  The amount of these particles in a water sample is expressed as turbidity. Turbidity of less than 0.3 Turbidity Units (NTU) in 95% of the samples tested is considered acceptable by the EPA. In 2016, we measured turbidity of less than 0.3 NTU in 100% of the samples tested.

 Job #1 at GSWSA is to remove or destroy any organism that is considered harmful to human health. We do this by using disinfectants as well as a very efficient filtration system that is monitored 24 hours a day.

We welcome your suggestions

If you're interested in learning more about the water treatment process, call one of the numbers below. You are also invited to attend any of the monthly Board of Directors meetings scheduled on the 4th Monday of each month at 6:00 pm at our Administrative Office Building on Jackson Bluff Road.

GENERAL QUESTIONS: Customer Service Department

(843) 443-8202 or (843) 765-4539


(843) 234-8460


(843) 443-8204