Grand Strand Water and Sewer Authority
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Emergency Water off in Surfside Hollywood Dr S & Surrounding Areas. 3hr 26min ago @ 2:19pm
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Apply for trucked waste disposal services.

Trucked Waste Disposal Application

I request the following vehicle to be registered and approved to discharge dosmetic septage, grease trap waste from food service facilities, and portable toilet waste at the Schwartz WWTP (6298 Schwartz Plant Rd, Myrtle Beach, SC. 29588) or either domestic septage and portable toilet waste at the Marion WWTP (100 Collins St, Marion, SC. 29571).

Grand Strand Water & Sewer Authority will only accept domestic septage, grease trap waste (from food service facilities), and portable toilet waste generated from within the GSWSA service area. Waste generated from outside of the GSWSA service area will not be accepted.

Trucked Waste Disposal Program

Owner Information:

Vehicle Information:

Acknowledgement and Confirmation:

I have read Grand Strand Water & Sewer Authority's Grease Trap, Septage and Portable Toilet Trucked Waste Disposal Program information and agree to operate within the program's guidelines. It is my responsibility to update any billing and contact information changes with GSWSA's Customer Service Department (843-443-8202).