Grand Strand Water & Sewer News
DR-4394-SC FEMA Hurricane Florence PW00245 Final Public Notice
April 01, 2019
The Grand Strand Water and Sewer Authority has applied for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance (PA) funding through the South Carolina Emergency Management Division (SCEMD) as a sub-recipient.
Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), federal actions must be reviewed and evaluated for feasible alternatives and for social, economic, historic, environmental, legal, and safety considerations. Under Executive Order (EO) 11988 and EO 11990, FEMA is required to consider alternatives to and to provide a public notice of any proposed actions in or affecting floodplains or wetlands. EO 12898 also requires FEMA to provide the opportunity for public participation in the planning process and to consider potential impacts to minority and low-income populations. This notice may also fulfill requirements under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).
Funding for the proposed project will be conditional upon compliance with all applicable federal, tribal, state, and local laws, regulations, floodplain standards, permit requirements and conditions.
Applicant: SCEMD
Project Title: DR-4394-SC Hurricane Florence PW00245
Location of Proposed Work/ Name of Structure(s):
- Pump Station #578 (GPS 34.16753, -79.41328) is located in an AE zone per Marion County 45067C0141E, effective on 10/18/2011.
- Pump Station #179 (33.69111, -78.99910) and PS #197 (33.69588, -78.99070) are located in an AE zone per Horry County Effective FIRM Panel #45051C0680H dated 8/23/1999.
- Pump Station #232 (33.91718, -78.81273) located in an A zone per Horry County Effective FIRM Panel #45051C0390H dated 8/23/1999
- Pump Station #260 (33.81576, -79.04210) located in an AE zone per Horry County Effective FIRM Panel #45051C0508H dated 8/23/1999
- Pump Station #381 (33.91343, -78.71487) located in an A zone per Horry County Effective FIRM Panel #45051C0415J dated 9/17/2003.
- Pump Station #603 (33.89618, -78.88473) located in an AE zone per Horry County Effective FIRM Panel #45051C0370H dated 8/23/1999
Special Flood Hazard Area Zone: This project is for replacing damaged elements at lift station facility, located in Zone AE (1% annual chance flood elevation). Confirmation of location in an SFHA was made by reference to the latest Flood Insurance Rate Map, Panel (see above). The proposed work conforms to all applicable State of South Carolina and local floodplain regulations. The proposed work will have no effect on the local floodplain. The proposed work has the potential to be affected by the location in an SFHA. The action will be mitigated by protecting all electrical components to the .2% chance of flood elevation for critical actions.
Proposed Work and Purpose:
The Grand Strand Water and Sewer Authority is requesting funds to purchase and install controls/sensors/gauges, and pumps and panels at the lift stations, at an elevated height on newly constructed elevated platforms. The purpose of this project is to protect the electrical elements from impacts of flooding during severe weather events as this facility is located within the floodplain.
Project Alternatives:
Alternative #1 (no action alternative): If no action is taken facility will remain vulnerable to flood risk and increase the danger of impact during a severe weather event.
Alternative #2: Elevating the controls/sensors/gauges, and pumps and panels, and changing dry- pumps to wet-pumps would significantly increase the level of protection of these elements. Elevating the controls/sensors/gauges, and pumps and panels will not impact any new disturbed lands.
Alternative #3: Relocating structures outside of the SFHA zone was evaluated. The cost to relocate or acquire and demolish the facility is significantly greater than the cost to retrofit. (The system is made of other pump stations with some located outside of the SFHA, and relocating any one may necessitate additional ones being relocated at risk) Additionally, as part of a system, this facility’s location is designed to satisfy the hydraulic conditions of the overall planned facility.
Comment Period:
Comments are solicited from the public; local, state or federal agencies; and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of the proposed project. The comments should be made in writing and addressed to Grand Strand Water and Sewer Authority. All comments are due within 15 days of this notice. The Grand Strand Water and Sewer Authority will forward comments to applicable regulatory agencies as needed.
Interested persons may submit comments, obtain more detailed information about the proposed action, or request a copy of the findings by contacting:
David Johnson, Wastewater Manager
Grand Strand Water & Sewer Authority Phone: (843) 443-8294
Email: [email protected]
POSTED ON: April 1, 2019
End of Notice